Friday, December 3, 2010

Essay page 1 # 38

Essay "oN making an agreeable marriage"

The most important qualities that women were to look for in a husband in the early 1800s were mainly based on achieving a sense of security, protection, and reassurance. Women in those times didn't think to be independent and hardworking the way alot of women think these days. No, women in the 1800s knew they were living in a patriachrical world and wanted to have a man in front of them that was at the top of his game.
A way a women knew a man was top class was by how much money he earned. In my opinion, wealth is important no matter what time period it is, but women in the 1800s only believed they could achieve wealth by marrying someone well off. Jane Austen is all for love, so I think she trumps love over wealth and therefore doesn't believe a woman should marrry simply based on that.

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