Thursday, December 9, 2010


Death and the aftermath of it is the most mysterious and most feared subject of this world. So many questions can be asked concerning death and none truly answered because everyone who has experienced it is gone. Will our time on Earth be in vain or is it a test to whatever shall happen after it? Will death be painful? Will we ever really leave this world, or will we be reborn right back into it? Despite religion or scientific guesses, no one really knows what will happen and its frightening.
People like to be in control and like to know what is going to happen next its just to be more comfortable with it. When something as unknown as death is thrown in the mix people handle that fear in various ways.Some people dwell in this fear, stopping their lives just to study it or avoid it. Most people, however, try not to think about it, try to live life to the best of their abilities. In my opinion, this is the smartest option. Death can be right around the corner and it doesn't matter if you fear it or embrace it, it will come one day. To let the fear overcome you is the silliest choice. No matter how you handle it, death is unavoidable in the end and is like time, promising and unstopping.
So instead, I think the best option in handling death is to try to be the safest you can without letting it stop you from doing what you really want to do. Try your hardest to be the best at what you're passionate about, gather the most fruits you can. Don't dwell on small things or let mistakes and regrets sully your future. There is a deadline to said future and in the end, all those insignifigant feelings will not matter.
So, in conclusion, death is inevitable and inescapable. People fear it because there are no resources of when it happens and what going on when it does. The best way to handle this impending fate is to live your life around it and to the best of your abilities, because the only certain thing is the now and to not grasp it willbe the biggest regret.

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