Thursday, December 9, 2010

literary responses

Literary Response: I don't believe that people can live their life to the fullest, but I do believe people can live their life to the best of their abilities. There is just too much to do in life, too much to do in life that I feel its impossible to live it all in one lifetime.
To me, living your life to the best of your abilities is finding a place for yourself that is special to you. This can mean having a spouse of kids and a spouse, coming home to them after a day of working somewhere you love. Just because you have a simple life does not mean your life incomplete. Infact, I think staying away from the drama and bad news of life and staying within a safe bubble is what can make your life full.


Literary Response: I think we associate the natural world with peace, because it is devoid of the fast-paced chaos of the human world. There are no lies in nature, everything is for its own self and its families.

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